Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn Geoff, Matt and I will had to Vandy for our 2nd appointment. The last 13 days feel like an eternity. How can it just have been 2 weeks since he was dxed?....

"Dxed" that's diabetic lingo for "diagnosed". There are others: bg- blood glucose, T1- type 1, and d- diabetes.

I hate that I know that! I want to scream GO AWAY!! How can such a sweet kid have to learn this? It is so incredibly unfair. Yes, God is with us. Yes, we lean on Him. But we still feel betrayed. Why us? Why our Mattie? And how will he feel? Will this toughen him... God I pray not. He is such a gentle soul.

Lean not on your own understanding... I have no place to lean. My life has been spent leaning on my wits, my logic. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths... I don't want to be on this path so how can He direct me?


Kimberly said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Matt's diagnosis! I remember all to well the chaos & grief that came in that time. It does get better!

The Blandings said...

Thank you Kimberly! It has been such a lifesaver to be able to talk with other moms!! CWD forums is a blessing.